Devon Oberle


I have always had a passion for social justice work and after 5 years of teaching, I was looking to broaden my learning beyond just “teaching math.” I was eager to dig into justice work beyond the one off sessions that were so energizing and thought-provoking, but had little momentum. Though I didn’t know what exactly I was signing up for, I joined a SEED seminar in 2021-22, my first year after switching school districts. I loved it from our first session. I was struck by the personal nature of the work as we journaled, shared, and held space for each other and processed our identities individually and collectively. I find SEED to be a space to dream and think big picture, something there often isn’t time for when working in schools and focusing on immediate needs. I was trained to be a facilitator in summer 2022 and have been facilitating at my school since.

I have found so many communities and mentors through SEED - with my co facilitators at school, within the New England SEED Network, and within my SEED white affinity/accountability group. My SEED colleagues are such models to me for how to be in just and loving relationships.

I live and teach in the Boston area. I am a high school math teacher in a therapeutic special ed program. I am also a forest therapy guide. I am grateful for the impact that SEED has had on my personal and professional life - SEED has pushed my learning in so many ways.

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